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iLEARN is proud to announce that the Successful Candidate Register and Digital Badges are now available for free for all iLEARN qualifications, currently ScrumLearn®, AgileLearn® and Organizational Resilience. Candidates who earned iLEARN Qualifications can easily publish their results in the Candidate Successful Register and/or generate and share their Digital Badges.

Successful Candidate Register 

The Successful Candidate Register allows anyone to query and check the achievement of a specific certification by a candidate. The Register is available at this link,, and it is possible to query by candidate name or Certificate Number. Please, note that not all certificates are listed but only those of candidates who authorized the publication of results in the Successful Candidate Register. Therefore, not finding a candidate does not implies that the candidate did not achieve it. However, finding it, confirms its achievement. If you have earned an iLEARN qualification, find more information on how to publish your results at this link or contact us for support.

Digital Badges

iLEARN Digital Badges are digital representation of a learning outcome, experience or competency. iLEARN badges can be shared and verified online in a way that is easy and secure. iLEARN badges link to metadata that provides context and verification. They can be shared across the Internet for maximum visibility and recognition. They represent achievements valued by employers. Badges managed through iLEARN will help you tell your professional story in a way that is complete and validated. If you have earned an iLEARN qualification, find more information on how to create and share your iLEARN Digital Badges at this link or contact us for support.

You can share your badges with anyone you’d like, wherever you’d like:

  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Via email

A viewer can click on your badge and will be taken back to iLEARN to view all the details of your achievement.

iLEARN Digital Badges