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Commercial Conditions


1. Conditions for the sale of iLEARN Courses

Proof that you have passed the exam, issued by
the Examination Institute, on paper or in electronic format.

Client The recipient of the proposal.
In-House Course Course designed specifically for the Client and in which
the Client's associates will participate exclusively. An in-house course may take place on the Client's premises or on premises provided by ICONS.
Online Course Course delivered online via iLEARN Learning Management System.
Calendar Course Course open to the public that participants from different companies can take part in on cheduled dates.
The calendar can be seen on the site
Exam A test of knowledge that leads to the recognition of a level of knowledge as outlined
in the Qualification Scheme. The exam may be taken as a paper based test or online.
Further information is available on the site
Examination Institute A third party which accredits iCONS as a provider of training courses and to sell Exams
for a Qualification Scheme. The Examination Institute is solely responsible
for the management of the Exam and the Certificate.
iCONS  The iCONS company Innovative Consulting Srl of which iLEARN is a business unit.
iLEARN  The business unit of iCONS which provides traning services.
Learning Management System (LMS) The platform for the delivery of courses in e-learning format designed and
managed by iLEARN on which the online courses are available, accessible
directly from the internet.
Proposal The business proposal with the conditions for the sale of courses and/or exams.
Participants A participant of an iLEARN training course. The participant may be the same as the Client,
or an associate chosen by the Client. The Client must communicate the enrolment of the participants.
Qualification Scheme A training pathway which allows for different levels of qualification with corresponding knowledge
tests and for which pass certificates can be issued (Certificates).
The Qualification Schemes are managed, in terms of the definition of levels,
competencies and rules, by the Examination Institute.
Examples of the Qualification Schemes are ITIL and PRINCE2.


Detailed information about the conditions for the sale of iLEARN courses


1.1 Course enrolment confirmation

iCONS reserves the right to check that the acceptance section of the proposal, including the consent to use personal data, has been filled in correctly. Course enrolment should not be considered confirmed until written communication of this has been sent by iCONS and until payment has been made in line with the method and timescale outlined in the Proposal. iLEARN reserves the right to cancel any subscriptions resulting unpaid after five working days from the date of subscription or after the validity date of the product prices.


1.2 Exam and Certificate Confirmation

When an online exam is purchased, the date of the exam can be fixed using the methods detailed on the iLEARN website
In all other cases, when an exam is bundled with a course, the exam dates will be scheduled by iCONS within 20 working days from the start of the course.
In any case, the Certificates will only be sent to the Client after payment for the course has been completed.

1.3 Order processing times

Order processing times depend on the platform from which services are provided:

  • for services provided directly by iLEARN, processing usually occurs within a few minutes after all necessary inputs (e.g., requested activation date) are provided, up to a maximum of 1 business day;
  • for services provided through partner platforms, processing usually occurs within 1 business day after receiving all necessary inputs (e.g., requested activation date), up to a maximum of 3 business days.

Times may vary unless otherwise specified at the time of ordering.

1.4 Exam location

The country where the online examination is sat determines the price of the product. If the country where the examination is sat is different than the country declared in the billing address selected in the product order, iLEARN will be authorized to charge the difference of price existing at the time the exam is sat. Should the remaining amount not be paid, iLEARN will be considering and will be entitled to undertake one or more of the following actions: interruption of the provision of any purchased service and/or enter a legal dispute to recover the due amount.


1.5 Cancellation/substitution of Participants for online courses

It is not possible to cancel or substitute Participants and such refunds cannot be given for Participants who don't take or complete the course after purchase.


1.6 Cancellation/substitution of online exams

It is not possible to cancel or substitute Participants and as such refunds cannot be given for Participants who don’t take or complete the Exam after purchase.


1.7 Cancellation/substitution for In-House courses

The client may cancel by sending a fax. The following penalties will be applied:

  • 10% of the total course price (including the price of the exam) if the cancellation occurs 20 working days before the start of the course.
  • 20% of the total course price (including the price of the exam) if the cancellation occurs 10 working days before the start of the course.
  • 90% of the total course price (including the price of the exam) if the cancellation occurs in the 10 working days before the start of the course.

A Participant may be substituted if the Client communicates this via fax at least 7 working days before the start of the course.


1.8 Cancellation/substitution of Participants for scheduled courses

Any cancellations must be communicated via fax at least 10 working days before the start of the course. Any payments already made may be, at the Client’s choice, either refunded and / or used for the enrolment on other initiatives once the cost of any expenses incurred by iCONS for any exams that have been ordered have been covered (the costs will be calculated based on the standard cost of the online Exam, as it appears on the website No refund after that deadline.It is allowed to substitute the participant upon communication by the customer via fax at least 7 working days before the start date of the course.


1.9 Postponement or cancellation of in House Courses

iCONS may postpone or cancel a scheduled course upto 10 working days before the start of the course. The Client may decide whether to accept the postponement or refuse it in which case, the total amount paid for the course will be refunded, with the exclusion of any other compensation of any nature, such as travel expenses or hotel expenses etc.


1.10 Postponement or cancellation of scheduled courses

iCONS reserve the right to cancel or modify the course dates, informing the Participants of this within 5 working days of the start of the course. The course may be postponed on two consecutive occasions. On the third postponement, the Client may ask for a full refund or upon request, the transfer of that sum to other initiatives/ courses. Any other form of compensation for the Client from iCONS, such as travel expenses or hotel expenses etc is excluded.


1.11 Royalties

The courses and related materials are the exclusive property of iCONS. It is therefore forbidden to make any kind of copy or reproduce the material or distribute to third parties any of the content of the courses, even partially, without prior written authorisation from iCONS.


1.12 Privacy and use of personal data

The information communicated to us as we carry out our work will be used exclusively to meet the objectives in this proposal and will be used in line with the security measures put in place by the law relating to the use of personal data. iCONS is the appointed holder of the data.



1.13 Complaints and appeals

The appeal procedures only concern the examination schemes managed by iLEARN. For other qualifications, please refer to the appeal procedure of the relevant Examination Institute.

The steps that are carried out when opening a complaint or an appeal procedure are the following:

  • within five business days from the receipt of the request, it is examined and a decision if accepting it or not is issued; should the decision be negative a motivation is sent by email to the requester; in this phase, more documentation or information may be necessary and will be asked to the raiser suspending the term to reply;
  • if the complaint or appeal is accepted, a confirmation email is sent;
  • claims are examined within 15 business days for their acceptance by the Claims Board while Appeals are examined within 15 business days by the Appeals Board;
  • the proposals and/or decisions taken by the Boards are finally communicated to the raiser.

 To activate the complaint or appeal procedure, please fill in this form.


1.14 Disputes

The Client agrees that in the case of any dispute or alleged inadequacy, they will cooperate in good faith to try and resolve the matter internally, referring it to the respective managers, before taking legal action. The delivery of the courses and the Proposals are governed by Italian law: any dispute that may arise between the Client and iCONS about the aforementioned, including those regarding their validity, interpretation, efficiency, delivery and resolution will come under the exclusive competency of the Monza Tribunal.


1.15 Prerequisites to be able to take part in the course/exam

The Client declares to have read the prerequisites necessary to take part in the course and/or to take the exam. Further, the Client declares having met all prerequisites required. Otherwise, iCONS will not repay amounts eventually paid.
The list of requirements to be met can be found on this site


1.16 Digital certificates and electronic badges

iLEARN reserves the right to discontinue the digital certificate and badge service any time. No reimbursement or liabilities can be charged to iLEARN in such a circumstance. This clause applies only to certificates and badges issued by iLEARN – Innovative Learning for iLEARN qualification schemes.