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PeopleCert has introduced 5 new languages to Online Proctored exams, with more to come.
The upgraded PeopleCert Multilingual Online Proctoring new languages are:

  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Chinese
  • Japanese

Information on the new languages added to PeopleCert's Multilingual Online Proctoring

How can candidates request their native language for online proctoring with PeopleCert?

When scheduling their exam and based on availability, candidates can now choose their native language as the language of communication with the Online proctor. The purchase of exam vouchers and the exam process itself remain the same.

PeopleCert Customer Service has also increased its capacity in these 5 new languages between 9am and 5pm (local time for respective countries). Candidates can contact Customer Service through telephone, email, or live chat in the above languages, upon availability. They can also leave a message to get called back or talk to an English-speaking agent.

To discover more details about the requirements and the procedures for online exams with PeopleCert, please visit this page.